In an increasingly digital world, Estonia’s pioneering e-residency program has attracted global entrepreneurs seeking seamless access to the European market. However, non-EU e-residents are hitting a significant roadblock: panganduslahendused, mis ei vasta nende vajadustele.
Milline on praegune olukord?
Launched in 2014, Estonia’s e-residency program has been lauded for its innovation and the opportunities it provides for digital nomads and international entrepreneurs. By offering a government-issued digital identity, e-residents can start and manage an EU-based company online with ease. Yet, the banking sector has not kept pace with the digital aspirations of these global citizens.
E-residendid, kes ei ole ELi kodanikud, on teatanud mitmesugustest probleemidest, alates rangetest konto avamise nõuetest kuni piiratud pangateenusteni. Paljud leiavad end navigeerimas keerulises regulatsioonide võrgustikus, kusjuures mõned pangad keelduvad otseselt teenindamast ELi mittekodanikke, kuna nad peavad nõuete täitmisega seotud riske tõenäoliseks.
Mida ütleb e-residents?
“The promise of e-residency is borderless business, but banking has borders thicker than ever,” says Ana, a Brazilian entrepreneur and Estonian e-resident. “Without a functional bank account, the dream of running a European business becomes significantly harder.”
” I was all set on using Wise for my banking, but now I’m hearing about a frustrating waiting list situation.” says Cem, a Turkish entrepreneur and Estonian e-resident.
Mida arvavad Eesti ametiasutused?
Eesti ametiasutused ja programmi haldajad on väljakutsetest teadlikud. Praegu tehakse jõupingutusi, et võtta kasutusele rohkem fintech-lahendusi ja partnerlussuhteid pankadega, kes mõistavad paremini e-residentide erilisi vajadusi.
For non-EU e-residents, these developments can’t come soon enough. As Estonia works to refine its digital services, the success of its e-residency program hinges not just on attracting global entrepreneurs but on ensuring they can operate their businesses as effortlessly as promised.
Vahepeal pöörduvad e-residentid alternatiivsete finantsteenuste, sealhulgas digitaalsete pankade ja fintech-platvormide poole, kuigi ka neil on omad probleemid ja piirangud. Olukord rõhutab olulist lünka digitaalsele majandusele üleminekul: vajadus pangandus- ja finantsteenuste järele, mis on sama piirideta kui ettevõtted, mida nad teenindavad.
As Estonia continues to innovate, the world watches. The country’s ability to solve the banking dilemma for its e-residents will not only enhance the program’s appeal but also set a precedent for how digital nations can support international entrepreneurs in the future.
Milliseid pangandus-/fintech-teenuseid ma ei saa kasutada?
Tark: A key financial service for international entrepreneurs, now has a waiting list for new e-residents. This step highlights the company’s praegused suutlikkuse probleemid as it struggles to accommodate the growing demand from Estonia’s e-residency community.
Revolut: A major player in the digital banking sphere. Has set limitations that exclude non-EU e-residents from accessing its services. This decision impacts a significant portion of Estonia’s e-residency community, seeking flexible financial solutions to manage their EU-based businesses.